7 SMS aggregators sign Code of Conduct; impose ban on overseas origination route
13 Jan 2012

As a move towards self-regulation, 7 SMS aggregators and marketers, with support of Internet and Mobile Association of India [IAMAI], have signed a Code of Conduct.  The Code of Conduct, inter alia, puts a self imposed ban on these companies to use the overseas origination route for marketing SMS, especially to users listed in the NCPR. The companies that have signed the Code of Conduct are: ACL-wireless; Air2web, Netcore, Pinnacle Teleservices; SMS Gupshup; Unicel technologies; ValueFirst.

IAMAI president, Dr Subho Ray said, "In order to be really effective we would like all the 2,800 odd registered telemarketing companies and a couple of telcos who actively promote these services to urgently adopt and abide by this Code of Conduct. Some of the industry leaders have made the first move, others must follow in the spirit of enlightened self-interest; we cannot afford to leave loopholes in the system."

Code of Conduct adopted by SMS Aggregators are:

1.      We will abide by all the rules and regulations set by the Regulator from time to time for our industry in as much as the rules and regulations are introduced after a due and substantial consultative process with the industry.

2.      We will not violate the current TCCCP Guidelines of Dec 1, 2010 and subsequent amendments thereof in any manner either in spirit or in letter.

3.      We will especially take every step to make sure that users listed in the NCPR registry are not disturbed through “unsolicited commercial” SMS.

4.      We also resolve not to adopt the “overseas origination” path to push unsolicited SMSes to those listed on the NCPR registry

5.      We will actively keep the regulator informed of practical and operational difficulties that we may face in compliance and work with the regulator to find solutions to overcome the same.

6.      We will work closely with the regulator to create guidelines that facilitate/enable mobile revolution 2.0 by creating a healthy and congenial environment for the launch and success of innovative and essential services based on sms.

7.      We resolve to alter this Code of Conduct as and when necessitated by circumstances or by law.


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